Submitted by RobertManley on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 00:42.
As a Idaho Home Inspector I see a wide variety of concerns and conditions concerning homes. Some of the home inspection concerns I see are minimal and others are more severe. One issue I have come across numerous times is that of condensation and moisture damage in a home attic. When going into an attic there is a level of anticipation and wonder in what may come. Most of the time there is either minimal items to be addressed or sometimes nothing. But, occasionally I run across those that are suffering from severe cases of Thermal Dynamics in the home that is damaging. Below are example pictures. So what is going on here? There is a problem that occurs sometimes in our climate here in Idaho which is caused primarily by thermal heat from the interior of a home meeting cold air in winter with a lack of proper ventilation. The heat that we find comfortable in winter can also be destroying our homes as the warm and moist air finds its way into the attic through such things as uninsulated attic hatches, open bypasses and lack of insulation just to name a few. The black condition is what happens when the sheathing is wet from condensation. The condensation comes from the warm air hitting the cold sheathing causing the moisture in the air to reach the dew point and thus creating either condensation or frost. If you look up in your attic some winter and find frost on your sheathing, it is time to investigate your ventilation, insulation and any holes that may lead directly to your interior from the attic. If you would like more information on a Idaho home inspection or have question about thermal infrared imaging, feel free to call us @ 208-982-5335. 7 County Home Inspection, LLC- Rob